Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Off to Guangzhou

June 3, 2007
We headed downstairs for breakfast, all packed and ready to go. Surpizingly a Chinese girl came up to us at breakfast. We thought that she was just practicing her English, but she ended up being from the same orphanage as Rebecca! Her name was Daisy and she was 21 years old. She was from Novia Scotia, Canada. Her parents adopted her 10 years ago in 1997. She was 11 years old and told us that she probaly held Rebecca when they where both at the orphange. When she came home from school everyday, she would help care for the kids; hold them, feed them, and even change their diapers! After a very ironic breakfast we met up with Elsie and went to Rebecca's finding village. We arrived at a very small town. We went to see a small statue in the middle of the village. After walking around the village for less than five minutes, being stared at constantly, a very elderly man and middle aged woman met us at the gate of the towns' local temple. They spoke very little English. They were the town officals. They took us on an exclusive tour of the village. We saw the towns' temple and the towns' "museum." After an unexpected surprise at Becca's village we had about one and a half hours until we had to be at the airport. So, for a fun little thing to do we had a WONDERFUL foot massage. It was something very different than American foot massages. Instead of having just your feet massaged we had what felt like a full body massage. We had our back, arms, legs, neck, and finally our feet massaged. After a very relaxing morning we drove to the very small Zhanjiang airport to fly to Guangzhou. Our flight was fortunately on time! We landed at 5 pm. Our driver took us to the White Swan Hotel, one of the finest hotels in the world! The White Swan was "BABY CENTRAL!" There were small Chinese children with American parents everywhere. We checked into the hotel, and met our new neighbors. Our neighbors were a single mother and a small 11 month old girl. After that we hit the streets for a quick shopping spree! Becca and I ordered stamps with our Chinese zodic on them. On the bottom of the stamp were our Chinese and American names, and a yin-yang. We kept walking and I spotted a store were you could buy a knock-off Coach purse. (JUst what I was searching for on this vacation!) I ordered one and I could pick it up tomorrow. We kept on walking and Dad and I spotted a STARBUCKS. We stopped in and found my favorite chocolate Frappachinos! (It was the closest thing to a double chocolate chip frappachino). We all got the Fraps and after the little pick-me-up we kept on shopping. After about an hour of shopping we bought 2 t-shirts for Becca and 5 fans for me. At the same shop I bought my fans, Becca got some neat toys. We returned to the hotel around 9:30pm, loaded up on new neat items. After an exhausting day we went to bed looking forward to our crazie tomorrow.

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